'Pregnant Then Screwed' launch tribunal mentor scheme

For all WoMos facing harassment or discrimination - here's some welcome news. 

This summer, Maternity campaign group Pregnant Then Screwed announced the launch of their new, free tribunal mentoring scheme. The aim is to support women facing maternity-related harassment or discrimination who feel overwhelmed by the prospect of facing an organisation with massive resources. Women are paired up with a buddy who has already been through the tribunal process - to support them emotionally and provide practical advice.

Of the scheme, Pregnant Then Screwed say:

"The Equality and Human Rights Commission report showed that only 1% of women who experience pregnancy or maternity discrimination take a case to Tribunal.

We know that going through a Tribunal process can be very stressful. We hear from many women who feel burdened, alone and frightened during this process so we are piloting a scheme that will pair women who have been through this experience with women who are about to start legal proceedings.

We hope that this friendship and mentoring will give women the strength they need to persist with a Tribunal and withstand the process whilst offering knowledgeable advice on the practical, emotional, financial and legal aspects."


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