Covid and the impact on the WoMo

The statistics on the numbers of women impacted by Covid is astounding. The number of women forced out of the workforce and facing job loses is higher than men.

A report by McKinsey states women's jobs are 1.8 times more vulnerable to the Covid crisis than men's jobs. Women make up 39% of global employment but account for 54% of overall job losses.

One of the problems is the lack of childcare and children out of school has meant childcare needs are increasing for working parents and the women are picking up the lions share.

There are stories of women put in challenging positions where juggling childcare and trying to hold their job is near on impossible.

Women make up a larger proportion of some of the frontline workers, such as retail, hospitality and the arts which are in crisis from the pandemic. As a result many of these women are out of work and this will have an impact on the gender pay gap. People Management Magazine tells us more.

2020 is a significant turning point in the lives of WoMos. It is expected we will go back 10 years as a result of the impact on women through the pandemic. Women are becoming unemployed faster than men through this pandemic.

An article in the Financial Times shared a female finance executive based in Dublin said ‘Her husband has some of the same pressures, but when he brings their children on to a video call, it is deemed adorable. There is no chance she would do the same.’

She describes this as “career suicide”.

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