Mufty day, world book day, green day, sport day, non-sport day, reading day, half day, teaching training day or any other day is a WoMo nightmare. The school term starts and ends on a certain day, and any planned activity within those weeks that requires additional WoMo brain power is a challenge.
I don’t know how many of you out there manage to read every single email from school but I can hazard a guess. Based on my WoMo friends and the WoMos in my sons class, we NEVER read them all. I get easily one a day and as much as they are comprehensive and a good overview, digesting the info from school requires a job in itself.
I have missed dress up days in the past. My teens both had the unfortunate experience of turning up to school with the wrong kit on the wrong days, and you know what, we laugh about it now. In the moment it is easy to be hell bent on calling the nanny, your mother, a friend, cancelling a meeting or doing all you can to get the right bit of kid to the right kid on the right day.
Here is the way I dealt with it when my teens were younger. I reminded myself life isn’t perfect and we ALL make mistakes. And mistakes are ok. Yes, it may have felt horrid for a moment on the day, but it builds resilience and we sometimes had a good laugh about it. And I frequently said sorry for my mishaps with cake at tea time and a cuddle up on the sofa.
World Book Day, you have passed by again and somehow at the last min, we pulled a dinosaur costume out of the cupboard and made it happen. We then found a book on dinosaurs. I am not sure if it is meant to be that way round… Are you meant to choose the book first? Who cares? We pulled it out of the bag and thats enough for me.