WoMo School Report

School playground chat:

Mum at school: 

Wow!  You look really smart today.  Where have you been?


To work

Mum at school:       


Mum at school:

Hi, is your daughter new to the school, I don’t think we have met before?


No, she is in her third year

Mum at school:

That's funny, I don't remember seeing you before.


No, I work.

Mum at school:

Morning, before you rush off, have you got the flyer for bake sale?


No, sorry, I can’t bake for that.

Mum at school:

Please could you find time, all the kids are involved in year 5.


No, I can’t.  I’m travelling from this evening.

Mum at school:

How lovely!  Are you off on holiday?


No, it’s for work.

As received on email:


We are really pleased to have ‘insert name of special speaker’ coming in to talk to the parents about safety online.  It will be held in the school hall at 3pm before pick up next Tuesday.

WoMo thoughts:

Not a chance, will be in a meeting.

Class rep: 

Welcome back for the new school year, we will continue Friday coffee mornings at 9.30am after drop off.

WoMo thoughts:

Another year when I will never attend

Class rep:

Please can all parents give £10 to me at pick up next week for a gift for the teacher.

WoMo thoughts:

I need to find a way to get £10 to said parent, and I have no idea what they look like, and I will not be at pick up next week, or in fact ever during this school year. Cue - Kiddie Post, the envelope in the school bag, which will more than likely be pulled out at the end of term by me, again.


School letter:

This term we will introduce new hockey socks.  Please discontinue using the red ones and ensure your child has a pair with the new blue stripe.  These can be purchased from the school shop between 9-2pm Monday – Wednesday.

School letter:

We would like to invite you to book in for your parent/teacher meetings. Time slots will be on the board in the playground from Monday morning. Please put your name against your preferred time.

School letter:

This year we will be reading (insert book here).  Please can you read the first two chapters with your child by (enter date in one week) to ensure he has fully understood the chapters.

Class rep email:

To support the children in year 1, class C has confirmed to the Head Teacher we will conduct a reading support rota.  This will ensure the children have an official reading afternoon on Wednesdays between 2-3.30pm.  Three parents will sit in the classroom during this time, along with the teacher, to ensure every child has the opportunity to read out loud.  Please see below for the dates you are scheduled. If you are unable to attend, please swap with another mother.

School text:

Due to adverse weather, we have a leak at the school.  Please can you collect your children as soon as possible.

School text:  

Due to sickness, Football Club has been cancelled tonight. Please collect your child at the normal time.