Sports Day: Races & Realisations

It was an interesting start to the week when I arrived on a huge sports field ready to watch my daughter’s annual sports day. I had taken the day off work to go and see them take part in what is, for my daughters, one of their favourite days of the year. I chose my carefully selected day off as sports day rather than end of year prize giving as for my sport mad kids, me on the side-lines means a lot.

A regular WoMo decision, the prioritisation of school events.

Within 5 minutes of arriving I sat down with my much needed take away coffee, and heard a conversation unfold which reminded me why I am a WoMo. Three mothers began discussing a vintage-themed school picnic due to take place a few days later. There was talk of ice being delivered, bunting that had been handmade, the efforts made to get better plastic cups than last year and that all the children in the year were to wear a vintage style item. The mothers shared their stress levels and exhaustion and I felt tired for them.

I truly admire their commitment, energy and dedication to a school picnic. I am impressed by the level of detail exercised and wowed by how good the picnic will be. However, in my silence, sat close by, every fibre of my being was thinking, "I could never do that".

I am honest enough to admit to myself my peak levels of organisation take place at the office. At home, it is frequently chaos and last minute madness is part of our daily life.

My eldest told me she needed a packed lunch this morning with 5 minutes notice, so we whizzed by Sainsbury's Local on the way to school and she ran in with a £5 note in her hand and chose a meal deal. She was delighted, I felt I had achieved the goal of sending her to school with a packed lunch and we all continued our day.

The choices we make in life define our parenting and there is no right or wrong. I have frequently said I think the stay at home mum is amazing. As a WoMo I salute you, and I salute you knowing my decision has been a different one.


Image: Graham Oliver © 123RF.com