Women of Power. Tell us more Priscilla

Hello Priscilla, we are excited to talk to you about Women of Power.  First, tell us about you.

I'm a Creative - I write poetry, put on events, provide brand/marketing advice.  I love seeing things into existence. I like to call myself a developer - I invest in making things better.

What inspired you to set up Women Of Power?

There are a few things that led to me setting it up:

London is a city with a lot of people but I find it's easy to get trapped into the routine of work, home, work, home. It's always nice to have a place you can go to to mingle with new people. There is nothing better than investing in your own personal development and diversifying your routine.

I know too many women who need other female friends. One thing I know is people are more lonely than they are willing to let on. There is nothing better than building new relationships. 

I have been inspired heavily by the women around me but believe some of them could have been so much more had they had the right tools and skills. We are all about increase, growth and becoming better.

In many cultures and homes women are seen as somewhat 'less', they are the 'weaker' sex... I beg to differ. If I can spread a notion of strength and power and celebrate the successes and journeys of the everyday woman then why not. 

Experiences are our best teacher. I have been through some things that I know could help inspire or encourage another. Story telling is one of the best tools of motivation so having women come and share their successes and failures brings us back to the core of things. I want WOP to be a platform of truth and transparency - free from pretentiousness, where we not only treat the positives in life but we look into some of the other delicate subjects that really affect women nowadays. 

What advice would you give to women who are running a career and a family?

Allow yourself to evolve. I feel like women often beat themselves up for not getting it right all the time. They find a job, hate it and feel stuck. They get married or have a child and feel stuck in the routine or the formalities. You can enjoy all these things in life if you also give yourself some time.

It is important to remember you are not going to make the best decisions all the time. Don't always criticise yourself up for getting it wrong - take the lesson from the situation and move on stronger.

Life isn't over because you're a mother, career women or a wife. 

Learn to strike a balance and give yourself a break. 

Allow yourself to be human.

Tell us what motivates you every day?

When I look back at the things I've overcome both small and big I can honestly say I'm proud. It goes back to my point about allowing yourself to evolve - I have learned to both praise and scold myself. For me knowing tomorrow could be better than today is enough of a drive.

If you had a mantra or a motto what would it be?

I'll have to copyright Nike here... 'Just Do It'

It is unbelievable how much fear holds us back. We often just shy away from doing and being the person we want to be. If we had the courage to just do it, imagine what and who we could be! 

Talk to us about the advice you give women. 

One of the things I say at all of our events is that I'm not here 'selling happiness', there isn't a quick fix for most things in life. It all starts with your mindset. I can only give an insight into what has made me evolve in a fearless way. I want women to discover their own way, their own journey. I'm not trying to make clones. I'm here to promote individuality.

The fact that something that is said at one of our events can spark off a positive reaction in someone is just gold! I had a woman who had come to a few of my events call me aside at one of the events to tell me she is setting up an Arts and Craft group! She previously felt stuck. Her son had left home and she just didn't know where to redirect that energy. It happens! Once your routine is somewhat broken you can feel lost... having her discover that passion is magic and it is what Women Of Power is all about.

Insta: @womenofpoweruk
