Christmas Prep

It is less than a month until Christmas. Yup, you heard that correctly.

This time in a month it will all be over. So as a busy WoMo, what can you be doing now to get ready and minimize the stress. If you are hosting the day, there may be a few more things for you to think about but we think this covers the basics:

  1. Order the turkey. Do it NOW. Yup, whether you have an Ocado delivery spot booked or you use your local butcher, get it ordered.

  2. Decide when you are buying the tree. Maybe it’s the first December weekend. Put it in your diary. Oh and regarding the tree, let the kids decorate it. Take a deep breath and accept it wont look perfect, it will be wonky and there will be bits of random paper from decorations made at school and that will just have to do. LET IT GO….!

  3. Diarise the nativity play, carol concert, end of term and any other school related Christmas matter and make sure you transfer this across to your work diary. Book the time off, note in your work diary you are leaving early and cancel any meetings that are in the way. And make sure you book in travel time. No one wants a rushed hysterical mother running into the back of the nativity play.

  4. Take off Christmas Eve. If you can do it, and it works with your job, book off Christmas Eve. This year it falls on a Monday which will nicely give you Saturday, Sunday and Monday off together before the onslaught of Christmas Day.

  5. Give everyone a job. Yes, delegate to everyone who is coming to your house for Christmas. Give someone the job of bringing the fizz and the Christmas pudding.

  6. Buy team gifts. If you have a team, think about this now. You wont want to be on a last min shopping spree for the team when you have the entire family descending on you in a few days. Do it now. And write personal notes.

  7. Buy the advent calendars. You have a matter of days. Get one NOW for the kids.

  8. Breathe. It is your Christmas too. Think about how you can carve out you time. Gym on Christmas Eve? A walk in the park with the dog? It doesn’t matter what it is, just make sure you factor it in.

  9. Book the babysitters. Check your diary and see when you need a sitter. Book your sitter now if you haven’t already. Remember he/she will be busy too!

  10. Rise above the family politics. There will be some, somewhere. Keep out of it where you can and avoid getting caught into the mix.

And finally - GET EXCITED! The holiday season is a time to share, be grateful, have some time off work and be with the kids. Enjoy!