Self love or self care, we don't mind what label you want to give it, is important. Without taking care of you, everything else feels that much more challenging. So as a busy WoMo, what can you do to put your self in the best possible state to be running at your top WoMo level? We have a few top tips for you to send your on your way.
Start a gratitude journal. Focusing on what you feel grateful for, however small, helps your mind focus on the good.
Reframe negativity in your head into something positive. Find the good because it is there. Yes really.
Eat the right food. Putting the right fuel into your body will help you feel better.
Move. It doesn't matter if you aren't a gym bunny, walking helps. If you are based at a desk every day, have one walking meeting a day. Your energy will shift just by moving.
Notice when the devil on your shoulder is giving you negative talk. The person we talk to the most is ourselves, so have a word with that voice and keep it positive.
Surround yourself with the right people. People who cheer you on and have your back.
Celebrate wins and successes.
Take time out. It can be 10 minutes of meditation, or a weekend away with your friends. Find time to do things YOU love for you.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Kindness matters.
Forgive yourself. Beating yourself up about something you feel embarrased or ashamed of isnt serving you. Let it go and use it as a learning exsperience.