Meet the WoMos: Faye

Hello Faye, tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do and how old are your children and what happens with your kids when you are at work?

I am the Founder of multi-platform business, Beauty Bulb. We are a flexible destination that supports beauty brands with sales growth via our digital tradeshow, consultancy and workshops. I started the business try and enable me to continue working in a flexible way after an infertility diagnosis and during fertility treatment. Fast forward 4.5 years and we are very fortunate to have Fraternal Twins, Edie and Joey who turned 2 last month. Our childcare situation is a good mix spread over 3 days. We are very lucky to have support every week from all of their Grandparents. Our parents have them one day a week and then they go to nursery one day a week. I then tend to work for an hour or so each evening once they have gone to bed.


1. One word to describe how being a WoMo makes you feel?



2. What’s the funniest experience you have had juggling kids and work?

I was working from my home office recently and Ben, my partner was downstairs with Edie and Joey. He shouted upstairs to me as he wanted me to come and watch the children. His words (about himself not the children) were ‘Faye, can you come downstairs asap because I need a poo’. The team on my Zoom call heard every word.

3. What is the one piece of advice you could offer another WoMo?

Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Do what makes you and your family happy. Working, not working, part time working, childcare, your schedule or your working hours or location. Each to their own. No one else knows your situation, your parenting plans or style, your work role, personal goals or career goals. Find a balance that suits you. My own definition of success is having a balance that allows me to be with my babies as much as possible whilst building my business. For me, success is not about job titles and money. Nowadays, success to me is about always striving to live a life that has some balance and makes all four of us happy.

4. What’s the least amount of sleep you’ve gone to work on and how did you cope?

Zero and this has happened a number of times. Having Twins has meant that we all move around beds/rooms fairly often! I actually cope terribly on no sleep and it impacted me negatively one day when I did a really important podcast. I was the opposite of myself. So from then on, sleep has been key to being able to do the best possible job at work. If I get no sleep, my working hours have to move a little bit the following day/night. I am fortunate that I can be flexible some days.

5. What have you learned about yourself as a WoMo?

That I am brilliant at multi-tasking and I’ve accepted that my brain will always have a number of different ‘tabs’ open at any one time! I’ve also learned the art of saying ‘no’ more. Our schedule has to be really well-planned as my partner works shifts and so I will regularly stop and think of how to best prioritise my time each week. I definitely don’t always get it right but it’s a work in progress.

6. If you had a working mother’s anthem or mantra, what would it be?

Just do your best at all of it. And if you don’t do your best some days, that’s ok too because you are probably really bloody tired.

7. What is your guilty pleasure to combat WoMo guilt the best?

Dinner at somewhere that is not our house. A 3 course meal with my friends or family.

8. Would you rather be dealing with a tantrum or presenting in a board meeting?

Board Meeting. 100%. Also, I can negotiate at work but my negotiation skills do not work on my children!

9. If you asked your children what your job is, what would they say?

They can’t understand my job yet as they are just 2 but they absolutely love my laptop and they each have their own mini toy version. Edie pretends to type and talks to me at the same time, as if she is working with me, and it’s hilarious. They also wave and blow me a kiss when I go upstairs to work.

10. What’s the one thing you wish you’d known before you became a WoMo?

I wish I’d known about the guilt. Guilt that I’m not with Edie and Joey enough. Guilt that I’ve not got anywhere near my own to do list. Guilt that I want to see my loved ones more. Guilt that I should be working more. Guilt that our house isn’t clean or tidy.  I’m trying to get better at this bit though.

11. To date, what has been your best WoMo achievement?

Building and launching The Brand Book (during and after maternity leave) whilst caring for the Twins everyday during the Pandemic. It’s a digital platform that connects beauty brands from all over the world with over 50 UK Retailers. The idea came from me not being able to travel during fertility treatment and pregnancy and then when COVID hit, the idea became even more relevant and so we went for it. It was a risk that paid off and we are launching 2 other platforms this year.

12. What do you want to teach your kids about working mothers?

It is really important that they see balanced gender roles every day at home and in our working lives. We also want to teach them about work ethic in general. I have a strong work ethic and that came from both of my parents. I feel really strongly about them learning the value of working hard from a young age.