First Baby - The Must Haves.

When you have your first baby, there is a wealth of advice thrown your way. People telling you that the must have item is anything from muslin cloths to a nappy bin.

I know when I had my first, which I have to confess is over 18 years ago now, the one thing that was a life saver for me was my Mountain Buggy. This isn’t a plug for Mountain Buggy more just a note, that for me, whether city or the park, I could just get out of the house. My baby was sick on it, I frequently forgot the muslin cloths and never owned a nappy bin. I couldn’t see why I needed that when my regular bin also took nappies. Regardless, some people loved them! I ventured into cloth nappies anyway, but that a whole other story. The other two must haves were a baby bounce chair to put the baby down and free my hands at home and a baby monitor. I am not recommending that one specifically, but choose one that gives you all the features you feel you need.

We want to hear from you, and we will put your thoughts into another blog and put some useful content into our tech platform to help first time Mums buy exactly what they need. So tell us, either by email to elizabeth@womonetwork.com, or comment below and we can built THE list of must have items.

Thank you WoMos!