WoMo sweatshirts are back! I have been asked so many times about the WoMo merch recently, so as requested, we have them back for sale! We want to get them to you to spread the WoMo message.
We donate 15% of every sale to Refuge. Know that for every sweatshirt you are helping women and children, experiencing domestic violence, to get help.
We know, thanks to Refuge’s extensive data:
96% of Refuge clients report feeling safer at the point of leaving our services
92% say their quality of life has improved
76% see an end to all physical abuse
For every £1 invested in Refuge’s specialist services, a woman, her family and society at large reaps a social reward equivalent to £4.94
Every £1 makes a difference, and we want to help.
To buy a WoMo sweatshirt, email elizabeth@womonetwork.com and we can get one sent to you. We have Small, Medium and Large for £70 + £4.95 postage (UK). Our sweatshirts are made by On The Rise and are truly amazing quality.