Meet the WoMos: Sheryl

I met Sheryl via zoom a few weeks ago and knew instantly that she would make a terrific impact as one of our expert partners. We wanted to find out a little more about her WoMo life in Australia. Read on to find out more.

Sheryl Carroll (aka Tiny!) is a mum of two children, Holistic Health and Integrative Health Practitioner, passionate about supporting women in perimenopause and beyond THRIVE. Her mission is to change the narrative on this life phase and show women how to make it their best yet.

She has two children who are both at nursery and school and is about to embark on a move to the countryside in New South Wales.

A typical day during the week involves getting up with the kids to get them ready for school and daycare. Drop off (which is sometimes shared with her husband) then some movement and continuing education through audiobooks or podcasts! She then starts the day at her computer…usually content creation and client sessions. And then in the blink of an eye it is time for school pick up again! She prioritises the family until after her kids go to bed and then gets back to the computer with client sessions in the evening.

Once those sessions are done, reading a book, having a shower, doing skincare is how Sheryl likes to switch off.

“My time, no interruptions and a silent house!”

Sheryl shared how she is becoming much better with work/life boundaries. There is time for the family and time for work. She moves on to say how her “kids know that they are a priority and they also know that I love what I do and spend time at work. It doesn't feel like friction anymore. And we spend a lot of beautiful time together as a family on the weekends and on holiday.”

We talk a lot about WoMo guilt and we all battle with it, each trying new ways to combat that feeling. Sheryl shared how “feeling out of control in so many areas, poor sleep, being called to collect sick kids on MANY occasions, working part time in a full time role” made her feel incredibly guilty. She overcame this by keeping open lines of communication with her manager and her team. She was open and transparent and raised her hand when she needed help.

“I love anything in the health space”

Tell us your guilty pleasure….

I love trying new products, technology, gadgets, books! My husband laughs as he thinks our home is a post office with all the deliveries I get:)

Speaking feeling about what she has learned about herself on her WoMo journey, Sheryl said she loves her kids but she also love to work. She’s at her best when she can do both. And this requires asking for help every now and again. Offering advice to other working mums Sheryl suggested..

Ask for help. Whether it is a shoulder to cry on, an empathetic ear, or needing someone to pick up your kids. We are stronger together and the more we can connect as a community and support one another, the more we will all be able to achieve, individually and together.

And finally a note to the next generation… “Do what you love for work, have firm boundaries and don't waste time on feeling guilty. Be present and engaged with the family when you're with them and focused at work when you're there.

Thank you Sheryl.

Website: YTV Health Coaching

IG: your_tiny _voice