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BODYHIIT Challenge 13.0 by Pieta

Registrations NOW OPEN.

Challenge starts Monday April 18th

Our WoMo partner Pieta McCrum as curated this fantastic BODYHIIT challenge for busy women who want to feel stronger, more energized, confident and part of something much more fulfilling that just a one dimensional online fitness plan.

BODYHIIT will help you reset your routine to feel leaner, stronger, more energized and confident than ever before. We are back in the April 18th with a fresh 6 week online health & fitness challenge to boost your 2022 to new health heights.

It’s the full 360 holisitc package to ensure you’re getting everything you need from day one. We’ve got your movement, nourishment, accountability and community locked down.

You’ll never feel alone. You’ll have me as your coach and training virtually alongside your global BODYHIIT team reaching across the UK, Belgium, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Colombia, Brasil, Australia, New Zealand, Bali and America.. and welcoming more regions into our family every challenge


Or email pieta@bypieta.com quote WoMo when booking