Surviving Lockdown

As lockdown goes on (and on and on and on) it is becoming increasingly challenging. Or you may find you have got into a new routine and the ‘old’ ways are a distant memory. In speaking to fellow WoMos it seems last week was a tough week. The relentless exhaustion of juggling young children, working and home life is taking its toll. And let’s be serious we can’t do any of them efficiently. Working a full time job, being a full time parent/teacher AND producing 3 meals a day whilst keeping the house clean is impossible.

It depends on the age of your children, and whether they are little or big, your time and energy is in demand. The feeling of anxiety is rife amoungst my mates, and I know personally my sleep is shocking. I am typically a pretty good sleeper, and normally I can go to bed knowing I haven’t ticked off everything on my to-do list, but I have done my best, and it is good enough. A day is never done, but at the moment, for me this is a whole new level of getting, what feels like, nothing done. I go to bed with a million things running around my head, so many things that need to be done. It’s like the most chaotic to-do list and I can see no way to plough through it. Then the cycle begins. Tired Mummy = more worry = less patience = more worry = less sleep.

Looking after you and what you need is so important. I know it feels impossible, I am with you on that. Whether it is meditation, a gratitude journal, a run, a yoga class or just walking in the park by yourself, find your thing. Try and just keep in the present. The overwhemling unknowns such as when will the kids go back to school, when will my office open, will I be able to travel leave so many un answered questions. Try and stick with the stuff you can control and to some degree predict, and the day will feel a bit more gentle.

I’ll just add here a couple of things I have found very helpful for my 4 year old. The teens are a breeze in comparison, but the toddler is breaking me.

The Scouts have lots of brilliant ideas for things you can do indoors for mini people. Click here

The Monteray Bay Aquarium have webcams which keep my little chap quiet for about 10 mins. It’s worth it, believe me if I just need 10 mins to breathe.

And if your kids are a bit bigger:

If your kids are a bit older Delish are doing cookery online. And they record the classes so pick when works for you. A friend of mine is loving this with her 8 year old.

Thinking of you WoMos. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed the schools will be back after half term. I am believing it. It keeps me focussed on an end point!

By Elizabeth