Cryo, Red Light & Rest

After a chance meeting with the totally divine Maria Ensabella, I was invited to experience Cryo, Red Light Treatment, Infared Sauna and try my hand at body brushing.  I am mid 40s, well tipped over the mid, and at a point in my life where looking after me has become a priority.

As a busy WoMo (I know you get it) finding that time is harder than ever.  I try and gift myself a moment of me time every day.  It could be a 10 min meditation or a walk in the park, but gifting myself me time helps me manage the overload of work. 

So imagine my joy of 90 mins of time for JUST ME!  My week felt too busy, too much, too overwhelming and I almost said no, but I moved a couple of things around and made it happen.  And it was transformative!

I started with a 2.5 minute freeze fest in a cryo pod.  I am not sure if it is even called a cryo-pod, yet I felt podded.  Stripped down to my undies, with gloves socks and furry slippers, I stepped inside a temperature dropping to -130. 

Yes it was cold. Of course it was. Yet it was only for 2.5 mins which is no time at all having been briefed on the benefits. I learned this cheeky 2.5 mins of chill would boost my energy levels, improve my sleep, rejuvenate my skin, relieve stress, release endorphins and so much more. Did you know the drop in temperature triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal and restore itself.

Knowing it was just 2.5 mins made it easy to be honest, and my skin felt zingy the second I stepped out of the pod. From there I moved to 30 mins of red light therapy/photobiomodulation. It felt great to warm up after the chilliness of the Cryo treatment.

The light accelerates recovery, enhances sport performance, relieves chronic pain, reduces inflammation and stimulates collagen production along with some other good things that we can all benefit from. What’s not to like!?

Next I trundled off to an infared sauna where I spent half an hour in the warm relaxing, resting and just taking time for quiet. I meditate most days and it has slipped recently due to workload, and stress. ALL the wrong reasons to let the meditation slide. I spent the time in meditation, and remembered how much it helps me calm my heart rate and just breathe.

Benefits of the infared sauna include relieving muscle pain (I can vouch for that after a big workout the day before), improved immune system, reduced stress, ease of joint pain and improved appearance of skin.

The final stage of my gorgeous experience at London Cryo was a Cryo Facial. Think ice facial. Think face chill. Think facial rejuvenation. It felt AMAZING! The cooling to the face boosts collagen production and skin elasticity. The muscles retract tightening the skin. My face felt so good! And the end entire expeirence was so relaxing thanks so Catia at the Belgravia clinic.

A no filtered, post treatment picture! No make up, nothing hidden, just my bare skin shouting with joy at having received so much attention and love. Best to be real right?

London Cryo, I will be back. I spent the next few days feeling reset, rested and ready to tackle everything and everyone :)

Thank you to the wonderful team at London Cryo Maria, Sandra and Catia, you all ROCK. Anyone in London, please visit the clinics at Belgravia, St Johns Wood and the City. Treat yourself WoMos. You deserve it.