Meet the WoMos - Joti

Hello Joti, tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do and how do you manage your childcare?

I’m Joti, co-founder at Ksoni. Ksoni is a Sanskrit word that means “Earth”, and our mission is to reduce single-use plastic in the bathroom through our range of natural hair care products housed in the humble aluminium can!

I have a wonderful baby girl named Kashmir who is soon to be 1 years old, we named her after my maternal grandmother who played an integral role in raising me. We are fortunate enough to have a nanny who watches Kashmir at home four days a week, it’s great to be able to pop out between meetings to give her a little squeeze.

1. One word to describe how being a WoMo makes you feel?


2. What’s the funniest experience you have had juggling kids and work?

I’ve only been back to work for about 5 months since having my baby so I think there are many funny experiences ahead!

She has made a few appearances on video calls on days when the nanny has called in sick which I have been told is incredibly distracting to the team because even on mute she is so funny to watch (frantically grabbing anything and everything possible and putting it in her mouth).

3. What is the one piece of advice you could offer another WoMo?

Sometimes (a lot of times) it feels overwhelming and that’s okay. Take a deep breath, step back and prioritise. Also – it’s okay to ask for help.

4. What’s the least amount of sleep you’ve gone to work on and how did you cope?

The least would be around 3 hours, I do not perform well when really tired so I did the “must dos” and allowed myself a mid day cat nap to feel a bit more human! Aint no shame in a cat nap…

5. What have you learned about yourself as a WoMo?

That I am still me, I love being a mother to my beautiful baby girl but do not want to ever lose sight of what makes me tick and what I want to achieve in my lifetime.

6. If you had a working mother’s anthem or mantra, what would it be?

This too shall pass! This often come to mind when I’m up at some unholy hour or on my hands and knees cleaning up the dinner aftermath (again!) but also when my little one is snuggling in my arms this mantra is a reminder that everything in life is temporary so make the most of each moment, good or bad.

7. What is your guilty pleasure to combat WoMo guilt the best?

Putting away my phone and giving my daughter my full attention from the time I finish work to when she goes to sleep which often include a dance party aka me acting ridiculous while my little baby laughs away. I’m not always 100% successful at this but I try my best!

8. Would you rather be dealing with a tantrum or presenting in a board meeting?

I have yet to get to the tantrum phase (it’s around the corner, I can sense it) but I’m fairly confident I’d rather be in a board meeting!

9. If you asked your child what your job is, what would they say?

Right now the she can’t say much beyond ahh-yaa-daaa. I will have to report back in a few months!

10. What’s the one thing you wish you’d known before you became a WoMo?

Progress over perfection. Everything (most things!) won’t be as you envisioned or planned but as long as you are moving forward, that’s what counts.

11. To date, what has been your best WoMo achievement?

Not giving up or walking away when it has been so tempting to do so.

12. What do you want to teach your kids about working mothers?

That this concept of “having it all” is completely individual, it is up to you to decide what encompasses the “all” and there is no right or wrong version of this. I want to challenge my daughter to think outside of the norms created by society and to follow her heart.

Learn more about Ksoni here