3 ways working Moms harmoniously manage family & work

It’s inspiring to hear stories of women who are achievers in their fields. Also, it’s heartwarming to read stories about full-time mothers who gave everything to take care of her family. That’s why a woman who can evenly balance family and work at the same time is considered super!

Working moms are the epitome of balance. They are considered super women because of their ability to manage two completely different aspects of their lives: work & home. It’s a tough job, and it can also be very demanding. Many people say it’s impossible to accomplish, and you cannot do it on your own. All in all, people are entitled to say what they want about working moms. There will be times when working moms tend to overdo one thing from the other, and somehow feel culpable about it. Don’t fret. Here are some of the ways of how working moms manage their situations:

Acknowledge to yourself that being a working mom is hard work.

Most working moms find themselves stressing out on things that shouldn’t be. Like for example, getting home from work with dishes all over the sink! Seeing the kid’s toys, clothes, and other stuff scattered all over the floor, then afterward began asking: “Hey Mom, what’s for dinner?”. Sometimes you feel very tired already, and all you want to do is to lie down for a while and close your eyes. Ah, yes, and these things happen to you every day!

If you keep on thinking about how to solve such problems each day, these will turn into “mental baggage” and stress you out. The best way to work out this kind of situation is to accept that being a mom is not easy. It’s okay to have a sink filled with dishes and leave it for a while. The kids are already hungry, so if you think you still have enough energy to prepare dinner, go ahead and hit the kitchen! If you’re feeling worn-out, why not grab your phone and order meals on-the-go and have them delivered! Being a working mom need not be stressful.

Stop feeling guilty.

Most people have wrong notions that working moms don’t have enough time for their partners, children, and their home. They often view successful career women as undependable mothers, whose focus lies only in their careers and themselves. Most working moms usually feel guilty whenever they hear it from others. Even the small things like shifting from glasses to contact lenses become a concern. They feel so bad about themselves from what they heard that they began doing things that weren’t supposed to be.

So what do you do about such a situation? First is to accept the situation that being a working mom is hard work, and stop feeling guilty. Here are some pointers on how you can make yourself feel better:

Think of the reason why are you working for your family.

You are working because you enjoy doing your job. You are also very good at it, and it helps not only your self-esteem but also other people.

Look at the bigger picture.

You are doing this because it helps you and your partner achieve together your goals and dreams for your family and children’s future.

Do not entertain negativity in your head.

Envious people will spread so many undesirable comments about you and how you manage your family. These remarks will enter your head and will make you feel very uneasy. You’ll need a distraction. If people continue to make an issue about your new contact lenses, clean it in front of them using a lens auto-washer! Stop those thoughts, and take them off your mind!

Be Organized.

Work requires you to spend at most eight hours a day in the office, but being a mom is a 24/7 job. You’ve got to have a system that will make your tasks both at home and at work easier and manageable. Here are some pointers:

Ask for help.

Some moms are already preparing meals for the family, taking the kids to school, and fetching them afterward. If you think these tasks are too much, ask for help. Talk to your partner and ask him to help you out.

At work, it’s pointless tinkering at something you don’t understand. Go ahead and ask people around for help. It is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that you’re willing to learn new things.

Delegate the tasks.

If you are handling multiple projects at work, it’s time to delegate them to your staff. Make sure each one is doing something productive to ensure you can finish each project on time.

At home, if your kids can already reach the sink, teach them how to wash the dishes, and let them help you when you are preparing meals. Once they’ve learned these, delegate a task for them, including your partner!

Set schedules.

Sticking to the schedule makes work time productive and efficient.

The same also applies to the home. Once you have prepared dinner, ask everybody at home to drop whatever they’re doing and eat dinner together. The same thing applies to wake-up time and bedtime for little children. Set time for yourself to help your kids with their homework.

Never forget the importance of communication in any situation, either at home or at work. There will come a time when you have to leave work to take care of things at home, or vice versa. Misunderstandings are always there to happen, but with proper communication, you will be able to handle any situation smoothly.

Go out and have coffee or tea with close friends or family. And most importantly, always take a little time for yourself as a working mom. It might do the trick!

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Guest blogger Claudia Sanchez