2020 - What's the plan?

It is a new decade, we have entered 2020 and it’s almost impossible not to reflect back over the last 10 years and think about the future.

Looking forward and imagining ourselves a year from now is a great way to manifest our hopes and desires for the year. So how do we write good goals and stick to them?

  • Reflect back and consider the really impactful moments, the ones where you were challenged, hurt and had to REALLY grow. Those uncomfortabel and painful times will be where you will have moved forward with some big learnings. What were they? Take a moment to think.

  • Write down 5-10 things you want to acehive in the next 12 months and write it as if it has already happened. For example: It is 31st December 2020 and I….

  • Close your eyes and take time think about how it feels to be, do and have all of the things have achieved by the end of the year.

  • Be specific. If the goals is to be fitter, what does that mean? Is it working out 3 times a week or defined by muscle mass, or by weight loss. Be detailed and ask yourself: How will I know I have succeeded?

  • Keep it simple. Overly complex goals can feel overwhelming.

  • Write yourself a letter to open in December. Do it now, seal it up and stick it in the box with the Christmas tree decorations. It’s the sure fire way to find it in December. Write in it how proud you are of yourself for acheving your goals. Give yourself some compliments and tell yourself you rock. If you want to say ‘you did a good job getting fitter’ make it BIGGER. Use really big hairy adjectives to describe how amazing you are. Remember to be specific and mention each goal and take pride in your achievements.

  • Break down the goals over the year. Listing 10 things you will acheive by December could mean you sit back and then panic in November, espcially if you tend to be a last minute kind of a person. Have steps you can check on each month.

  • Print it out. Put it on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, the back of the front door. It doesn’t matter where, just put it somehere you will see it EVERY day.

  • Tell people. It will make you accountable and gives you a good support network. Ask a couple of key people to check in with you throughout the year. Diarise in check up calls to support one another if this works for you.

  • And finally be kind to yourself. Kindness matters. If you drop back on a goal, just pick up again the next day. We are human, and you CAN DO THIS.

Keep the focus, be brilliant and if it all feels too much, take time out to quiet your mind. Whether it is meditation, a walk in the park or reading a book, sometimes we all need to slow down to go faster.

Go for it WoMos.