Meet the WoMos: Bronwen

Bronwen Gray is a mum of teens and a Sales and Marketing Strategist in FinTech and Health. She is also passionate about cold water swimming and it’s many wonderful health benefits. Keep your eyes peeled for an exciting blog post she is writing for our WoMo community that’s coming soon!

A typical day for Bronwen starts with an online class at 06:30am. No sooner as it’s over, she’s making sure her teens have had some breakfast before they head to school.

If she’s working from home she will usually dial into a morning team meeting or commute in if it’s an office day. Working from home means she can schedule a swim early morning or at lunchtime. Twice a week she is doing the cheermum run/juggle with her husband around last meetings and work deadlines.

She added that her husband is now working from home for 90% of the time so she tries to involve him more. It’s then home to sort out supper and occasionally check back in with her CEO if she’s working to a deadline.

'“ In the evenings, wine with the cooking can help with the creativeness!

“Sleep & repeat”

To switch off in the evening Bronwen enjoys listening to radio 4 or a podcast whilst cooking. Sometimes a TV series with her hubby or a bath and at the weekend the Sunday supplement. She says “ I always read a few pages of something in bed to switch off.”

We all battle with WoMo guilt and Bronwen finds comfort by doing “too much”. She says obsessing over home cooked food for the children when they were younger and by drinking wine helps ease any guilt that may creep in!

Returning to work after maternity leave was met with some challenges. Bronwen shares that not feeling supported at home by the husband was hard for her at that time.

After a long maternity leave when I did it ALL and set myself up as Supermum, meant he had little visibility or understanding of the endless thinking, planning and juggling of the children's diaries (which were imprinted on my mind indelibly!) I found it hard to concentrate of an afternoon when I knew the nanny would have collected them from nursery and I felt I should be somehow part of their end of the day.”

Bronwen went on to share how she feels that community is so important and the support network of sharing issues with other women is invaluable. She wants to teach her children that you don’t have to parent on your own. “You should always ask if there are different ways to do things.”

Finally and offering a piece of advice to other working mothers she replied;

” Please don’t try and make it look easy”.

Check out her ARBONNE page ( another passion of hers!)